We are: Stephen Bloch (Adelphi), John Clements (Cal Poly), Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern), Robby Findler (Northwestern), Kathi Fisler (WPI), Matthew Flatt (Utah), Viera Proulx (Northeastern), and Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown), and our students.

We have several decades of experience dealing with educational issues and innovative curricula. We co-author the course texts and are the principal architects of the programming environment. In addition, we have published numerous research papers on the principles of programming, the principles of programming languages, and the implementation of programming environments.

Matthias Felleisen, who leads this effort, was awarded the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award, the highest recognition for an educator from the ACM (the professional organization for computing). His award citation explicitly mentions his several efforts that have led to this curricular effort. He has also won the SIGCSE Outstanding Contribution Award.

At our workshops, we are joined by participants from previous years. These prior participants assist in the labs, and also provide advice based on their classroom experiences. In addition, a terrific and motivated group of students (mostly our own, but also some others who want to participate just for the experience) also assist in the workshops.